5 Ways to Inspire Your Kids This Summer Jul 19, 2022

Jennifer Landis from Mindfulness Mama.

As we face the end of yet another school year, it's time to face the age old dilemma. School is almost out and you may be asking yourself "What are my...

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Banishing the Symptoms of Nature-Deficit Disorder Jul 07, 2022

by Anya Williams

You may have seen headlines or read articles that discuss something called “nature-deficit disorder,” a decidedly modern condition that occurs when we spend a...

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Building a More Equitable World Through Health Education Jun 22, 2022

Ladderworks is a publishing platform of diverse stories with the mission to inspire kids and youth around the world to become empathetic entrepreneurs. Our current series features interviews...

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Personal Finance: Everything Teens and Young Adults Need to Know About Money Jun 08, 2022

By Amy Collett

“They don’t teach anything useful in school” is a common gripe for young adults struggling to make heads or tails of their finances. Due to a lack of financial...

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The Benefits of Sending Your Daughter to a Science Camp May 25, 2022

Jennifer Landis from Mindfulness Mama

STEM is one of the fastest-growing fields in the world but in spite of this exponential growth, only about 1/4 of workers in STEM are women. This is...

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Embodied learning: Autonomous Learning Processes May 10, 2022

by Tomasso Lana, creator of the Embodied Learning Program, multidisciplinary experiential team building program for adults that enhances communication and collaboration skills through sensory...

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Pandemic learning loss and 21st-century project-based learning May 03, 2022

The pandemic has changed our lives beyond recognition and had some of the most disastrous effects on our education system. Our children were forced to stay at home having hardly any in-person...

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Out of the Box Learning Apr 27, 2022

Ladderworks is a publishing platform of diverse stories with the mission to inspire kids and youth around the world to become empathetic entrepreneurs. Our current series features...

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5 Safe Home Office Design Tips for Teen Entrepreneurs Apr 13, 2022

By Ed Carter (https://ablefutures.org)

The COVID-19 pandemic presented surprising opportunities to teen entrepreneurs. With remote classes and few extracurricular activities going on, you...

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Why Unstructured Play Is Essential to Child Development Mar 01, 2022

by Jennifer Landis (originally published on SheHeroes).

Unstructured play is simply when children partake in open-ended interaction free of learning objectives. It's neither instructor-led...

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Fostering 21st-Century Skills at Home Feb 15, 2022

by Dean Burgess from Excitepreneur.net 

At Dignity of Children® we bring innovative programs into schools and youth organizations to empower and inspire youth. However,...

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Creating a Fast and Sustainable End to Homelessness Jan 18, 2022

Ladderworks is a publishing platform of diverse stories with the mission to inspire kids and youth around the world to become empathetic entrepreneurs. Our current series features...

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